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Deteksi penyakit TSV (Taura Syndrome Virus) secara PCR pada udang Vannamei (Litopenaeus vannamei) dengan berbagai ekstraksi, suhu dan waktu penyimpanan O. Surfianti .; N.C. Prihartini .; M. Fathoni .; E.R. Ekoputri .; Laminem .; R. Wilis .; E. Pujiastuti .; Sokhib .; A.D.Koswara .
Hemera Zoa Vol. 2 No. 1 (2010): Jurnal Hemera Zoa
Publisher : Hemera Zoa

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The shrimp farming industries have been adversely affected by epizootics due to viral pathogens, especially Taura Syndrome Virus (TSV). The TSV has been causative agent of economically disastrous epizootics in Panaeus vannamei, causing mass mortalities of 40%-90% in affected post larval and juvenile population. The current diagnostic and detection methods for TSV included clinical signs, gross pathology, in situ hybridization, and PCR. Three RNA extraction methods, i.e. RNA lysis buffer with Guanidine - HCL, RNA lysis buffer with beta-mercaptoethanol dan phenol-chloroform) were used the RNA lysis buffer with beta-mercaptoethanol, constantly had the highest yield as measured (quality and quantity) using a geneQuant spectrophotometer at period af 3 month in -20° C storeage, except the one extracted by phenol - chloroform extraction had the highest yield quantity at -80°C. Each of 3 (three) extraction methods yielded sufficient RNA for positive result in a RT PCR for TSV at period of 1 month, and 2 months, in both temperature storage (-20°C and -80°C), but at period of 3 months, only the phenol - chloroform extraction give positive result after it was stored at -20°C and -80°c.
Developmental capacity of goat oocytes collected from 5°C preserved ovaries Ita Djuwita
Hemera Zoa Vol. 2 No. 1 (2010): Jurnal Hemera Zoa
Publisher : Hemera Zoa

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Research has been conducted to study the effect of ovaries preservation at 5°C on the oocytes development capacity i.e the capacity of oocytes to undergo in vitro maturation (IVF), in vitro fertilization (IVF) and in vitro embryo development. Goat ovaries were abtained from slaughterhouse in saline solution containing 0.1% Bovine Serum Albumine (BSA) and antibiotic and kept at 5°C for 3 and 12 hours. As control, untreated ovaries were kept for 3 hours at 30-35°C, the temperature usually used for ovaries transportation. The oocytes were aspirated from follicles with 2-5 mm in diameter using 20G needle connected to a 5 ml syringe containing modified phosphate buffered saline (mPBS). The aspirated oocytes were incubated in 100 µl  micro drops of tissue culture medium -199 (TCM-199) supplemented with 10% newborn calf serum (NBCS), 0.01 mg/ml follicle stimulating hormore (FSH) and 50  µg/ml   gentamycine sulphate for 24 hours at 38.5 °C in 5% CO2 incubator. In vitro fertilization (IVF) was done in CO2 incubator at 38.5 °C for 18 hours using fresh semen. Inseminated by their nuclear status after aceto-orcein staining. The results showed that the avarage number of morphological normal oocytes collected from 5 °C  preserved  ovaries were significantly lower than from the untreated control ovaries. After 24 h incubation the percentage of matured oocytes from the 3 ang 12 h preserved ovaries were 85.3± 2.8% and 75.5±  2.2%, respectively (P
Gambaran hispatologi insang, usus dan otot ikan mujair (Oreochromis mossambicus) yang berasal dari daerah Ciampea, Bogor B.P. Prisoeryanto .; I.M. Ersa .; R.Tiuria .; S.U. Handayani .
Hemera Zoa Vol. 2 No. 1 (2010): Jurnal Hemera Zoa
Publisher : Hemera Zoa

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The aim of the present study is to describe the histopathological lesions of gill, intestines and muscle tissue of Mujair fish from Ciampea, Bogor. Totally of 30 Mujair fish randomly sampled from 6 different fishpondr in Ciampea, Bogor was used. The observed organs were process for histopathology and stained by Hematoxyln and Eosin. Result of the srudy showed that there were hyperplasia, fusion, oedema, epithelial necroses and metazoan parasitic infestation in gills lamella. Degeneration and cells necroses were commonly found in the tissue muscle; while in the intestines prolifeation of goblet cells and celk necrosis were also common. Based on the result mention above, we concluded that there were several types of histopathological lesions on these three observed organs of Oreochromis mossambicus fish and these lesions were due to infections ofmicrobes andparasite. Poor water quality seemed to play an important role in this case. 
Karakteristik histologi perkembangan folikel ovariumfase luteal pada kancil (Tragulus javanicus) Hamny .; S. Agungpriyono .; I. Djuwita .; W.E. Prasetyaningtyas .; I.Nasution .
Hemera Zoa Vol. 2 No. 1 (2010): Jurnal Hemera Zoa
Publisher : Hemera Zoa

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The lesser mouse-deer (Tragulus javanicus) is one of the Indonesia biodiversity. This animal distributes only in South-East Asia and Hindia. The lesser mouse-deer is the smallest ungulate in the world and regarded as an ideal model to biomedic and ruminant research. As their population becoming extincted, conservation efSort is very important. One of the eflorts in supporting the lesser mouse-deer conservation is by improving our knowledge reproductive physiology of the female lesser mouse-deer. The aim of this study was to investigate the histological characteristic of ovarian follicles development of the female lesser mouse-deer. Experiment was done on the ovary (n=4). The ovary was fixed in Bouin solution andprocessed according to standard of histology. The slides were stained in HE. At luteal phase, the developing follicles can be classified into 10 stages. The number of developing follicles in the left ovary were higher then in the right.  
Pengujian staphylococus aureus pada daging ayam beku yang dilalulintaskan melalui pelabuhan penyeberangan merak K.T. Palupi .; M.W.Adiningsih .; T.Sunartatie .; U. Afifi .; T. Purnawarman .
Hemera Zoa Vol. 2 No. 1 (2010): Jurnal Hemera Zoa
Publisher : Hemera Zoa

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This study was aimed to test Staphylococcus aureus in frozen chicken meat as an indicator of quality and poultry slaughter house hygiene. Thirty two samples of frozen chicken meats transported through Merak port were taken from Cilegon 2 nd Class Agricultural Quarantine Installation. Those samples came from DKI Jakarta (11 samples), Bekasi (6 samples), Bogor (4 samples) and Serang (11 samples). Number of S. aureus in frozen chicken meat was conducted with plate count method using baird parker agar (BPA) media. The result showed that the average number of S. aureus in Serang was the highest (5.4x102±6.73x102 cfu/g). In the other hand, Bekasi had the lowest average number of S. aureus (0.60x102±0.38x 102  cfu/g ). From the four areas, there were samples which over the maximum limit of S.aureus as permitted in SNI 01-7388-2009 (1x102  cfu/g ) with an avarege proportion about 35.42%.  
Perilaku nyamuk anopheles punctulatus dan kaitannya dengan epidemiologi malaria di desa Dulanpokpok Kabupaten Fakfak, Papua Barat G. Saputro .; U. Kesumawati Hadi; FX. Koesharto .
Hemera Zoa Vol. 2 No. 1 (2010): Jurnal Hemera Zoa
Publisher : Hemera Zoa

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Malaria is a major health problem in Fakfak District. The studies were aimed to discribe the behavior of Anopheles punctulatus, the biting activities, the characteristics breeding place, the incidence rate of malaria, and the people behavior in Dulanpokpok Village. The studies were done from May to August 2009. The Anopheles mosquitoes were collected by indoor and outdoor human landing collection in the evening between 6 pm and 6 am. Breeding place characteristics were measured based on the larval collections. The people behavior were interviewed with indepth inteview. The result showed that the man biting rate of A. punctulatus indoors was 1,38 bites/man/night, and outdoors was 1,48 bites/man/night. The biting activities of A. punctulatus were known pools, wheel ruts, ditches and puddles. The breeding places characteristic of A. punctulatus were water base an mud, water depth 5-50cm, water temperature 28°C ,  pH 6-6,8, and sality 0%. The lack of knowledge and the behavior of people going outdoor during the night will increase the risk of malaria infection in the study area.
Otoritas veteriner di Indonesia Bachtiar Moerad
Hemera Zoa Vol. 2 No. 1 (2010): Jurnal Hemera Zoa
Publisher : Hemera Zoa

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Cikal bakal "OTORITAS VETERINER" (OTVET) di Indonesia bermula sejak jaman penjajahan, dimana Jawatan Kehewanan merupakan bagian dari Departemen Pertanian, Perdagangan dan Industri. Jawatan ini ditugasi menanganidua hal, yaitu polisi saniter dan veteriner hygiene. Tugas polisi saniter meliputi pencegahan dan pemberantasan penyakit hewan, penyediaan bibit ternak dan pengawasan pasar. Sedangkan tugas veteriner hygiene meliputi pemeriksaan hygiene sapi perah, pemeriksaan pemotongan hewan dan hygiene daging. Institusi Jawatan Kehewanan terus berlanjut hingga era pasca proklamasi kemerdekaan dan menjelang kejatuhan Pemerintahan Orde Baru, Jawatan Kehewanan berubah menjadi Direktorak Kehewanan, berada di dalam Departemen Pertanian. Pada tahun 1966, Direktorat Jenderal Kehewanan berganti nama menjadi Direktorak Jenderal Peternakan sejalan dengan semangat waktu itu untuk mempercepat terwujudnya kesejahteraan rakyat melalui peningkatan populasi dan produksi peternakan . Di era reformasi, Direktorat Jenderal Peternakan beberapa kali berganti nama, Direktorat Jenderal Bina Produksi Peternakan, kemudian Direktorat Jenderal Produksi Peternakan dan kemudian kembali ke nama lama Direktorat Jenderal Peternakan. Pergantian nama tersebut tidak membawa perubahan mendasar baik dalam visi maupun struktur organisasinya.  

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